Saturday Share Time!

Hello hello! Grace here.

I hope this finds you well, safe and enjoying your Saturday morning.

Firstly, don’t forget that Mum and Paul are on Create and Craft today. 1pm, 4pm, 6pm & 9pm. Mum gave a little sneak peek of what to expect during her Thursday night Craftalong. It’s going to be brilliant! Very VERY cool products and demonstrations to enjoy. They’re on tv Sunday as well, at 10am and 2pm, so lots to look forward to this weekend πŸ™‚

I don’t know about you, but I am LOVING Summer Solstice this week. It’s been quite a wild ride, personally, since about November last year. I won’t go into it, but… Life comes at you quick sometimes. Literally every one you knows all about THAT.
Interestingly, I’ve really started paying attention to nature and the seasons over the last 7 months. I felt a shift in energy begin when we entered Spring Equinox this year, and then a huuuge shift when the eclipse happened (April 8th, 2024). And now we’ve entered Summer, and had Summer Solstice this week, I felt another significant shift. Like a cloud lifting; a little more direction, a little more clarity, a sense of calm.

I’ve gathered what the recent season shifts are supposed to signify spiritually…

Winter Solstice (December 22nd, 2023):
Rest, Dreaming, Manifesting, Exploring your shadows, Embracing your Divine Feminine, New hopes & ideas, Reaching the end & fresh beginnings, Tiny buds of new life stirring deep within, Being tested in order to grow.

Spring Equinox (March 20th, 2024):
Awakening, Balance, Rebirth, New Beginnings, Emergence, Fertility, Creativity, Growth, Pleasure, Joy.

Summer Solstice (June 20th, 2024):
Outward Focused Energy, β€˜Do’-ing, Growing, Celebrating Peak Moments, Inner Fire, Confidence, Yang/Masculine Energy, Abundance, Culmination, Clarity, Trust.

Autumnal Equinox (September 22nd, 2024):
Harvest, Gratitude, Turning Inward, Letting Go, Death & Dying, Magic & Mystery, Shadow Work, Remembering our Ancestors

I apologise to those that don’t find this interesting, or believe in any of it. But I’m finding it increasingly interesting. And it’s really helping me navigate new life territory. I felt compelled to share, just incase it will help someone else here πŸ™‚

ANYWAY, I know what you’re really here for πŸ™‚ I settled down in the garden on Friday afternoon to make my weekly Saturday Share collection. Grab that cup of whatever soothes you and join me in enjoying these wonders…

Christine Simpson
Floral Alphabet Groovi Plate CollectionLetter K Groovi Plate
Deirdre Frondigoun
Craft Club Stamp
Lynda Hidderley
Japanese Flowers & Butterflies Groovi Plate
Tina Morris
Voucher Pouch *NEW*
Joanne Craig
Barbara’s Happiness Japanese Floral Round Panel Groovi Plate
Jan Toland
Hippie Chicks
Sue Flitcroft
Cherry’s Under The Sea Crab Groovi Plate
Lisa Gray
Our Happy Place – Slow Down With Clarity Quotes
Akke Holzmann
Tina’s 3D Flowers & Butterflies Groovi Plate
And Tina’s Meadow Flowers Groovi Baby Plate
Ken Kilminster
Wild Seed Heads Aperture Clarity Fresh Cut Die
Gilding Flakes

GORGEOUSNESS! Such stunning artwork shared this week, it was hard to select just a handful. I’m sure you agree that these are incredible! I’m scrolling back up to have another, more focused look. Join me?

You may have noticed that I have started adding product links to the designs used underneath the cards selected. I’ve had so many people ask about specific cards, or what product was used in particular artwork, so we’ve decided to start adding links to the website where possible to help people.

TOP TIP: If you mention in your artwork post (on Clarity Worldwide or Groovi Worldwide) what product you used, it makes my life a LOT easier and increases your chances of being selected for this ‘ere blog. If I love your card AND you tell me what product you used (name or SKU #), then it’s going to be reeeeally hard not to pick your lovely artwork.
Efficiency, you see πŸ˜‰ In general, it’s really helpful when you add product information to your posts. Many of you do, and we love you for it, so we’re trying to increase that… if at all possible. No stress either way!

Right, must dash. Mum and I have Friday night plans to get our hair cut. Catch you tomorrow for a fabulous step-by-step project from Shelagh Metselaar. We hope you enjoy the TV shows we have happening this weekend.

Travel gently, friends.
Lotsa love, Grace xo

Clarity – The Home of Art, Craft, and Well-Being.

10 thoughts on “Saturday Share Time!

  • 22nd June 2024 at 8:32 am

    Another stunning set of cards Grace. My favourite this week is Lynda Hidderley’s card. It so beautiful and fresh looking xx

  • 22nd June 2024 at 8:36 am

    Lovely, lovely artwork- so much talent!! Really useful to have the product information as well. Thank you, Grace- enjoy your weekend!

  • 22nd June 2024 at 10:27 am

    Hi Grace, what a lovely selection of cards again this week & a great idea to add the products used. I will try harder in future to add them to my posts. It helped solve what Akke had used on her lovely card as I could see Tina’s flowers round the edge but hadn’t got as far as finding the plate used for the middle.
    It should be a busy week for Clarity following the TV shows if the samples & sneaky peeks are anything to go by that we saw on Thursday night. Some of us were able to try the gift voucher pouch out at the Open Days – another great idea.
    Understand about unexpected things happening in our lives that throw everything out of sync. Glad you are getting back on track – as your mom always says ”One Day at a Time” & ”This too shall pass”
    Take care & thank you for another Saturday blog – catch up with you tomorrow to see what Shelagh has in store for us. xx

  • 22nd June 2024 at 10:30 am

    Beautiful art work. Thank you for sharing Grace.

  • 22nd June 2024 at 10:31 am

    Another amazing Gallery of gorgeous artwork! Thank you Grace for including one of my designs, that’s made my Saturday morning special! 😊 Sorry, I forgot to add the ingredient list for the card! As well as the awesome Fresh Cut die, I’ve backed the design with gilding flakes!
    Thanks for sharing your feelings about the Equinoxes and their meanings. I can totally understand what you’re saying, and some of my best times have been spent among ancient monuments and stone circles. Being inside Stonehenge many years ago was very special. I hope you can find a healing way on your newlife journey. Travel gently, take care. 😊

  • 22nd June 2024 at 10:41 am

    Thank you for sharing Grace. Beautiful artwork again this week. Great idea to add the products it does help tremendously. hope you enjoyed your hair appointment.

    • 23rd June 2024 at 7:49 am

      Thanks for another share, Grace. Great choices again.
      I’m so pleased you are finding a way to channel an inner peace and thereby gather strength to go forward with such positivity. The world’s your oyster, as they say. Enjoy your time here with your Mum making lovely memories, even if they are just mundane ones such as having your hair cut together.

  • 22nd June 2024 at 11:08 am

    Cor these really are amazing pieces of artwork, all different but still amazing. I’m glad to hear that your ship is finally sailing into calmer waters after the storm. Nothing like a smack in the face with a wet lettuce leaf when you least expect it to upset everything. Love those spiritual meanings I think our ancient ancestors were a lot more in tune with life and nature than we are today, maybe we could all learn something from them. Hope you have a great week & travel gently xxx

  • 22nd June 2024 at 2:34 pm

    A wonderful selection of art work, thank you Grace. xx

  • 23rd June 2024 at 7:28 pm

    Thankyou for not only sharing your choices of beautiful art this week but your feelings and your journey. I wish you Health peace and happiness wherever life takes you next.

    I love the different Soltice descriptions – very interesting – we should be more in tune with nature and different times of the year and what they bring. Springs description is my favourite but being born in September I was interested to read the Autumn one .

    Great idea adding the product info by the way!

    I wish I had a daughter to share special times like having your hair cut – enjoy every moment ! Not quite the same with my 2 sons.

    Take care Grace and if ever you need help with the Saturday share you know where I am.


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